Delna Davis shared photos of she wearing a traditional white saree on social media. The actress wishes Onam, One of the biggest festival in Kerala. The post goes trending as she earlier uploaded a reel video where she walking from a car stylish wearing same outfit.
The photos was taken by the Photographer Dhanush M. Delna is standing infront of the jewellery showroom Mahalaxmi Gold and Diamonds. The teaser reels reached more than 2 million views and video she driving car wearing saree got 6 million views.
The South Indian actress often shares her dance videos and photoshoot images. She loves to drive cars and travel a lot.
Photos of Delna Davis
Camera Senthil captured photos of the actress in different elegant styles. Delna also publishes videos from the shooting set, celebrations, behind the scenes on her youtube channel. The channel got 32.4K subscribers. She posted more photos on her instagram account.