Malavika Mohanan has a huge fan following on her social media accounts. The gorgeous actress often gives lovely treats to her fans by posting stunning photos. The pictures of Malavika wearing a saree goes viral on the internet. The actress dazzles in a white transparent saree for the promotions of her latest movie Maaran.
Malavika Mohanan posted on Instagram with glimpses of her saree look. She looks pretty in Chiffon white saree and a shimmery white blouse as she is all set to attend a promotional event for the film 'MAARAN' in Chennai. Malavika added "Maaran Promotions Day 1, For the love of Chiffon Sarees and Hello Chennai" as a caption
Malavika Mohanan plays a major role with Dhanush in MAARAN and the movie is all set to release on March 11 by this year, 2022.
The film Maaran is directed by Karthik Narain. Karthik is also writing the script for the film.
The movie is produced by TG Thyagarajan under the banner of Satya Jyothi Films. 'Maaran' is an action thriller movie. The film also stars Samudrakani, Smriti Venkat, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Mahendran, Ameer, and Praveen.
'Maaran' will be released on the OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar. The film will be released in different languages; Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. Vivekananda Santhosh is the cinematographer of the film. Maaran is one of the promising movies in the career of Dhanush